Biophilic office fit-outs: The best plants for your office environment

biophilic office fit outs by Select Interiors

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, office fit outs are evolving to include elements that foster well-being, creativity, and productivity. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through biophilic design, which integrates natural elements into the workplace. At Select Interiors, we believe that incorporating plants into office interiors is not just a trend […]

Integrating health and wellbeing in commercial office space design

office interior design manchester by select interiors

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and burnout are prevalent, commercial office space design that prioritises health and wellbeing has become increasingly important. With most people spending a large proportion of their time in them, commercial spaces play a significant role in influencing people’s physical and mental health. In this blog post, we’ll explore the […]

Quiet Corners: Incorporating Zen Principles into Office Interior Design

Office Fit-Out Company Manchester Select Interiors Office Interior Designer Manchester Select Interiors

In the bustling world of business, the tranquillity and focus offered by Zen principles are increasingly sought after in office interior design. This blog will explore how these principles can be seamlessly integrated into the workplace, creating environments that enhance productivity and provide a peaceful retreat for employees. Embracing Zen in Office Interior Design Zen […]

The timeless appeal of muted tones in interior design

Designing a Luxurious Office Space: Elevate Your Workspace

In the ever-evolving world of interior design, trends may come and go, but certain timeless elements endure. Here at Select Interiors, we’ve found one enduring trend that has stood the test of time: the use of earthy and muted tones. Inspired by nature’s palette, these colours bring tranquillity, sophistication, and warmth to any space. In […]

Embracing Technology For Modern Office Fit-Outs

office fit out company manchester

Technology plays a crucial role in creating dynamic and efficient workspaces in today’s fast-paced world. At Select Interiors, we understand the transformative power of technology in office design. In this blog post, we explore the role of technology in modern office fit-outs, showcasing how it can improve productivity, enhance sustainability, and create a positive work […]

Office Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

office fit-out v office refurbishment

Office design has evolved significantly over the past few years, focusing on adaptability, collaboration, and innovative elements such as biophilic designs and unique lighting solutions. As the workplace continues to evolve and businesses adapt to change, new office trends are set to emerge in 2024. This blog post offers our perspective on the upcoming office […]

The Impacts: AI and Interior Design

AI and interior design

As a team, we are constantly immersed in the ever-evolving landscape of industry trends and technological advancements. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising industries, including interior design. With its ability to analyse data and create personalised experiences, AI and interior design is transforming how designers work and, if used well, can improve the design process. However, […]

Office Design: How Office Lighting Impacts Productivity and Well-Being

Designing a Luxurious Office Space: Elevate Your Workspace

Sustainable office design is a growing trend as businesses recognise the importance of reducing their environmental impact. By implementing sustainable practices and eco-friendly materials, we can create a workspace that promotes responsible resource use and minimises carbon emissions. By embracing sustainable office design, businesses can positively impact the environment while creating a more productive and […]

What is sustainable office design?

office design

Sustainable office design is a growing trend as businesses recognise the importance of reducing their environmental impact. By implementing sustainable practices and eco-friendly materials, we can create a workspace that promotes responsible resource use and minimises carbon emissions. By embracing sustainable office design, businesses can positively impact the environment while creating a more productive and […]

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